Karno Energy offers a comprehensive approach to engineering systems design using renewable energy and advanced BIM technology construction. Our team consists of professional engineers and scientists united with the common idea of “green energy”, so we can solve complex problems pertaining to a wide variety of HVAC and Plumbing design problems and provide high-quality engineering solutions to meet individual client requirements.
Appreciating the views of customers and architects, our engineering projects meet the highest standards of energy efficiency and aesthetic appearance. Each project is unique and requires a deep study, for this purpose we use modern methods of 3D analysis (Revit, Navisworks, etc.) and high-performance solutions. We have a successful collaboration with native & foreign clients and many happy customers all over the world.
Our company

Our name
Wordrising of energy prices and global warming are leading to the rapid development of renewable energy. Heat pumps that operate on the basis of the “reverse Carnot cycle” are the leaders of this industry.
Sadi Carnot was a famous French physicist XVIII-XIX century, who described the thermodynamic cycle of the heat pump in his book ”Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire” in 1824.
Our philosophy
Key requirements that we apply for all modern designs are manufacturability, durability, efficiency and reliability. We strive to provide a high level of satisfaction of our customers using the best solutions and providing short deadlines.
The best results can only be achieved with the right modern design and efficient coordination of all participants in the construction. We often take part in international projects on a remote basis thus we aren’t able to be present at the construction site, so we always use BIM modelling combined with Revit + Navisworks to coordinate these projects. This gives us the opportunity to thoroughly test our work and ensure high quality of decisions. We check all the details because every element of the system is important.
We have always admired of visualizations which architects perform for their projects. Fortunately, the style “Loft” is in fashion now, which gives a possibility to perform an interior from engineering elements like a work of art. We usually try to make visualization for engineering projects – it allows us to feel the working atmosphere, appreciate the convenience and quality of the location of all items, check the aesthetic appearance of the future project.
Our services
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